

Enhanced Access Service - Launching 1st October 2022
Additional access to primary care services on weekday evenings, Saturday, Sunday and on Bank Holidays.

Book a pre-bookable, routine appointment at a time and place that suits you.
Remote and face-to-face appointments are available - there is an array of clinicians available who can be seen remotely or face to face, such as GPs & nurses.

Where and when? Appointments are available at various GP practices during weekday evenings and at Orford Jubilee on the weekend, as seen below.

Monday - 4Seasons Medical Centre (18:30-21:00) 
Tuesday - Culcheth Medical Centre (18:30-21:00)
Wednesday - Parkview Medical Centre (18:30-21:00)
Thursday - 4Seasons Medical Centre (18:30-21:00)
Friday - Orford Jubilee Neighbourhood Hub (18:30-21:00)
Saturday - Orford Jubilee Neighbourhood Hub (09:00-17:00)

Sunday - Orford Jubilee Neighbourhood Hub (10:00-14:00) 

Don't see your practice? Don't worry. Any patient registered at one of our 6 practices in Warrington Innovation PCN can be booked into an appointment on anyone of those days. Our practices are:

  • 4Seasons Medical Centre
  • Chapelford Medical Centre
  • Culcheth Medical Centre
  • Guardian Street Medical Centre
  • Parkview Medical Centre
  • Springfields Medical Centre
  • Who can I see? You will be seen by a local clinician, who will not necessarily be from your GP practice. GPs, Nurses, Phlebotomists will be available.
  • How do I book? Please contact your GP practice and ask for an evening or weekend appointment. The member of staff will try to book you in at a time/day that suits you.

Please note appointments are subject to availability.




We offer a comprehensive range of clinics for our patients. Special clinics are offered within the surgery for the management of certain chronic medical conditions. These clinics are generally provided by the Practice Nurses who have received special training and overseen by a Doctor.

Getting the flu vaccine 2024 

There has never been a more important time to make sure you, and those you care for, are protected against serious illnesses such as the flu.

We are asking everyone who is at risk of being affected by the flu to get vaccinated this winter. By having the flu vaccination, you will help protect yourself and others from what can be a severe, and sometimes fatal illness.

Who should get the flu vaccine?


Eligibility for flu vaccination is based on the advice and recommendations of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI). This includes a vaccination programme for children based on JCVI’s 2012 recommendation, using live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) which provides individual protection to the child and reduces transmission in the wider population.

The following groups are to be offered flu vaccination in line with the announced and authorised cohorts.

From 1 September 2024:

  • pregnant women
  • all children aged 2 or 3 years on 31 August 2024 ( Fluenz) 
  • primary school aged children (from Reception to Year 6)
  • secondary school aged children (from Year 7 to Year 11)
  • all children in clinical risk groups aged from 6 months to less than 18 years

From October 3rd 2024 :

  • those aged 65 years and over
  • those aged 18 years to under 65 years in clinical risk groups (as defined by the Green Book, Influenza Chapter 19)
  • those in long-stay residential care homes
  • carers in receipt of carer’s allowance, or those who are the main carer of an elderly or disabled person
  • close contacts of immunocompromised individuals
  • frontline workers in a social care setting without an employer led occupational health scheme including those working for a registered residential care or nursing home, registered domiciliary care providers, voluntary managed hospice providers and those that are employed by those who receive direct payments (personal budgets) or Personal Health budgets, such as Personal Assistants

We have started to send out invitations to our eligible patients and many have now booked via the self book link on their invitation. If you have any difficulty accessing the booking link, please contact the surgery and we will help to book your appointment. 

If you have any concerns about the vaccination, our practice nurses would be happy to advise you and there is also information about the vaccine here :

Clinical Pharmacist

  • Additional Information Our Clinical Pharmacist Danuta Kay is able to deal with medication queries, queries regarding side affects of medication, hospital discharge queries regarding medication, general advice on blood pressure, bites and stings, hayfever and many other minor ailments.  If you are struggling with your medication, she can also help you with this.  She is available to speak to both on the telephone or face to face.

Our nurses offer advice on the following long term health conditions:

Diabetes Clinic

Asthma Clinic

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Ischaemic Heart Disease

Hypertension (Raised Blood Pressure)

  • Additional Information Provided by Practice Nurse Team. Patients with problems will be referred to their usual Doctor.

Travel Clinic

  • Additional Information Provided by the Practice Nurse Team.  Vaccination and special health precautions are required for some holiday destinations.  Our nurses are able to offer the latest advice on all aspects of health for travellers.  
    Our Practice Nurse will review your request and contact you with advice or to arrange an appointment
    **Please be aware there may be a charge for this service**

Fear of Flying

We do not  prescribe Diazepam or other Benzodiazepines for fear of flying, or other such phobias.

The BNF does not support such prescription and it can also be unsafe in cases of emergency.

If you still wish to take such medications for flight anxiety, you can be advised to consult with a travel clinic.

Further information can be found on the following websites:

Fly and Calm

Fearless Flyer 

Flying with Confidence

Childhood Vaccinations and Immunisations

  • Wednesday afternoons and Thursday morning with the practice nurses.
  • Additional Information Childhood vaccinations are performed by the Practice Nurses.  If you have any concerns about vaccination issues the Practice Nurse, your Health Visitor or one of the Doctors would be happy to advise.   This Practice is committed to full vaccination and protection of all our children from the potentially serious and life threatening conditions against which we vaccinate.

Smoking Cessation

  • Additional Information We are committed to smoking cessation as a vital part of helping our patients maintain good health and prevent future serious illness.  All medical staff give smoking cessation advice.
  • NHS Smoking helpline Tel 0800 169 0169 or

Family Planning Service

  • Additional Information All Doctors and Nurses within the Practice are able to provide advice on the full range of contraceptive services. Nurse Denise Taylor is responsible for coil fittings and implants.

Joint Injections

As an additional service to our patients, Dr Sinha ,Dr Kuna and Dr MacBeth  offer joint injections.  Patients must be seen by a Clinician prior to being referred to this clinic. 

 Cervical Smears

  • Additional Information Appointments can be made with the Practice Nurse or if preferred the Doctor of your choice.

General Surgery

  • Additional Information Both our Practice Nurses and Health Care Assistants hold general surgery clinics for blood pressure checks, blood tests, weight management and general health advice.

Six Week Baby Checks

  • Additional Information Dr Sinha, Dr Macbeth, and Dr Kuna  carry out the six to eight week developmental checks.


  • We have 2 phlebotomists offering appointments each morning up to 11:20am Mon-Friday . Their clinics are very busy so if your request is urgent we may ask you to contact one of the community clinics for your blood test to be done. We can provide you with information on clinic times ,your your blood test request form.
  • Requires GP Referral? Yes

NHS Healthcheck

  • Held by practice nurses and our HCA .
  • Additional Information The surgery provides free NHS Health Checks for all patients who are aged 40 - 74 who do not suffer from a chronic disease.  This is a 30 minute appointment .  You will have a comprehensive review including checking your blood pressure, cholesterol, weight. Your health check can help detect potential problems before they do real damage. Everyone is at risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, kidney disease and some types of dementia.  The good news is these conditions can often be prevented.


  • Pregnant ladies may self refer to the midwife. Referral forms are available to complete in reception and online . Once you have completed a referral form the midwife will contact you to arrange a booking appointment. You do not need to see your GP.
  • Health Visitor  We have three health visitor teams depending on which area of Warrington you live in.  If you wish to speak to a health visitor please telephone 01925 843868.

Cancer Rehabilitation Programme

  • Name Cancer Rehabilitation Programme
  • Additional Information Knowing you have a cancer diagnosis can be frightening.  The cancer rehabilitation programme offers patients and their families support at different stages of their cancer journey.  They will be given the tools to help them manage their illness.  Your Doctor or Nurse can refer you into the programme or you can self refer by calling 0300 003 0818 or e-mail

Bereavement Support

  • Name Tracey - Office Manager
  • Requires GP Referral? No.  Please contact Tracey at the surgery for more information

Need a GP in the evening or at the weekend?

  • Additional Information Warrington GPs are working together to provide evening and weekend NON-URGENT appointments at Bath Street Health and Wellbeing Centre for those who may find it difficult to get to a GP during the day.  Appointments are available Monday to Friday 6.30 pm to 8 pm and Saturday 8 am to 8 pm.  These are NON-URGENT, PRE BOOKED TELEPHONE appointments only through your GP surgery.  This service is not for emergencies or for Walk In Patients.
  • Requires GP Referral? Yes


Young Adults

young people

Are you aged 16-24?

Here is a short guide to help you understand how to access services at the Practice.



We provide a CONFIDENTIAL service to all our patients, including under – 16s.

This means we won’t tell anyone else about your visit without your permission (sometimes called consent)

The only time we ever share information without your consent is if you or someone else could be in danger. We would always talk to you about this first.




If your parent/guardian has always made and attended Surgery appointments with you, it may be confusing how you can arrange to see a GP or a Nurse yourself.  Don’t be concerned I can always explain how we work to you, don’t be frightened of asking.

Do you know.....

How to book an appointment at the surgery?

If you want advice about a health problem you can now have an appointment by telephone and speak directly to your doctor by phone on the day that you call. You can use the telephone appointment service for urgent and non-urgent appointments.

This is how it works:

  • Call us on the main surgery telephone number and ask to make an appointment with the doctor/nurse (the best time to telephone is from 8.30am)
  • The receptionist will ask you for your name and telephone number. If you need to speak to the doctor/nurse urgently because it is an emergency, tell the receptionist straight away.
  • The receptionist will ask you for a brief description of what is wrong. You don't have to tell the receptionist if you don't want to but it helps the doctor/nurse decide whom to prioritise for a call back based on clinical need.
  • If you want to talk to a specific doctor/nurse, tell the receptionist. Where possible they will arrange it.
  • The doctor/nurse will call you back and you can talk to your doctor/nurse about your health problem in the same way you do if you come into the surgery for your appointment.
  • If your doctor/nurse thinks you need to come into the surgery to be seen, or if you would still like to come in, your doctor will make an appointment for you.
    How to order a prescription? 
    If you take regular medication you can order this in the following ways:
  • By calling into the surgery and filling out a prescription request form
  • On-line (you will need to register for on-line services to do this)
  • By posting your request to us.
  • e-mail –
    For safety reasons we cannot take prescriptions over the telephone
    Did you know we have a website you can use if you are unsure about any of our services? 
    You can register for on-line access to book, cancel, view appointments online and receive SMS reminders and messages:
    Download our App
    Visit our website
    Select Repeat Prescriptions, scroll down to the end of the page and you can download the App from here
    Parental consent – if you still wish your parent/guardian to have access to your records and speak to a Clinician on your behalf, we need written consent from you
    Parental Consent - if you still wish your parent/guardian to speak to a GP/nurse on your behalf we require your consent. We can provide you with a  consent from and you can then return it to the Surgery which will then enable us to add your parent/guardian’s details to your medical records. 
    If you wish to discuss any of the above with me or if you just want to speak to me for advice on something which is troubling you, please telephone the surgery on 01925 765101 and ask for Shelley.
    Resources for Mental Health for Children and Teenagers
  • The Anxiety Survival Guide for Teens by Jennifer Shannon
  • Starving the Anxiety Gremlin by Kate Collins-Donnelly
  • Teenage Depression – a CBT guide for Parents by Shirley Reynolds and Monika Parkinson
  • Am I depressed and What Can I do About it? By Shirley Reynolds and Monika Parkinson
  • How to talk so Kids Will Listen and Listen so Kids will Talk (also do little kids and teens
    Websites (anxiety, stress, depression)
  • Calmhalf (if any self harming)
  • Smilingmind-Mindfulness app
  • SAM: Self help for Anxiety Management
  • Distract (selfharm)
  • Mindshift (anxiety, sleep)
  • Headspace (meditation and mindfulness


Accessibility tools

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