The Little Book of Useful Stuff

Teen and early adult years can be a confusing time for us all. What should I expect during puberty? How do I get medical help? What does safer sex mean? What if it's all a bit embarrassing and I'm not sure who to ask?

Now the NHS in Gateshead has published The Little Book of Useful Stuff to help young people aged 13+ to keep safe, stay healthy and make informed decisions in their lives.

The Little Book of Useful Stuff is overseen by health professionals and guided by young people in Gateshead who helped to choose the subject matter, design themes and even the title to keep it relevant to readers

AMMF, the UK’s only cholangiocarcinoma charity

What is Cholangiocarcinoma?

(Cholangiocarcinoma is pronounced kol-an-gee-oh-car-sin-oh-ma).

Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA), or bile duct cancer, is a primary liver cancer which starts in the inside lining of the ducts of the biliary tree; this is a network of tubes that carry bile from the liver to the gut. Depending on which part of the bile duct CCA develops in, it is categorised as one of three types:

  • Intrahepatic CCA originates in the bile ducts within the liver
  • Hilar or perihilar CCA originates just outside the liver, where the left and right hepatic ducts join together
  • Extrahepatic or distal CCA originates in the common bile duct from just below the cystic duct, which joins the common bile duct and the gall bladder, down to the small intestine.  The common bile duct carries bile from the liver and the gall bladder to the small intestine

Adenocarcinoma, cancer arising from the mucus glands lining the inside of the bile ducts, is the most common type of cholangiocarcinoma, accounting for up to 95% of all cases.

The AMMF charity organisation can offer education and support for patients and their families dealing with this condition. 


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